Literacy Program
Financial Literacy Campaign - A road to Financial Inclusion
The concept of DBT has made it compulsory for all eligible people to give account with banks.The relative advantage of Uttarakhand Gramin bank of insurance of Rs. One lac in case of accidental death for all savings accounts holders was explained. The team explained them the power of savings avoiding wasteful expenditure and build capital for a better future. Importance of thoughtful borrowing, securing future by life and medical insurance and investing the hard earned money wisely. All they require is analyzing their needs, make a distinction between the need and desire, avoid wasteful expenditure and save for the future. A saving whatever small is a source of tremendous self confidence and helps in creation of wealth over a period of time.People who could not afford any initial amount to open account with Banks were advised to open NO Frill Savings bank accounts with UGB.
Movie on financial literacy- An Instant Hit
The concept of DBT has made it compulsory for all eligible people to give account with banks.The relative advantage of Uttarakhand Gramin bank of insurance of Rs. One lac in case of accidental death for all savings accounts holders was explained. The team explained them the power of savings avoiding wasteful expenditure and build capital for a better future. Importance of thoughtful borrowing, securing future by life and medical insurance and investing the hard earned money wisely. All they require is analyzing their needs, make a distinction between the need and desire, avoid wasteful expenditure and save for the future. A saving whatever small is a source of tremendous self confidence and helps in creation of wealth over a period of time.People who could not afford any initial amount to open account with Banks were advised to open NO Frill Savings bank accounts with UGB.
Nukkar Nataks- Role play
The play revolves around 2 central characters, one being Sukhiya and another Dukhiya. They depict two people – one who saves, plans, builds capital and plans for her life, whereas the second one continues to spend whatever comes her way, landing in debt trap and miseries.The story conveys a message of savings in a very convincing way, as to how saving wisely comes to your rescue in case of emergencies and exigencies. Savings, apart from control on wasteful expenditure, investment and insuring lives and valuables, play a vital role in financial planning.
Towards a better environment
Save Wood, Save Forests
The forest cover in Uttrakhand is fast depleting. Besides requirement of timber, the trees are felled indiscriminately for firewood,fodder and other forest produce. (The cutting of expensive trees for profit-making, by the timber mafia, is another Matter).
Painting Competition among Middle school StudentsOn better invironment in Balawala. Invest in green
People are encouraged to plant more trees, either in their backyard/ courtyard. Initially we provided them a sapling of a fruit tree. Now, at present, we encourage them to plant at least one tree per family.
Going Solar
Affordable solar lamps have been distributed to people in Uttarakhand & Bihar mainly to replace kerosene lantern and lamps. The low cost solar lanterns have received a great response in rural areas where power cuts are very frequent . We are also trying to promote Solar Cookers in the community, for whichwe have given a few free samples.People are amazed to experience how quick the solar energy cooks food without any consumable fuel and that too in a hygienic way.
We are also planning enviromental cleaniliness awareness campaigns, to waken – up the people about the hazards and dangers of garbaige accumulation which can cause deadly Deseases. We have distributed some free solar lamps among altra poor family in villages with the help of Give India Foundation in Patna District to help in the study evening study.

A poor landless labourer named Geeta devi lives in the village of Railly of Patna district in Bihar. She has 2 school going children. Power supply to this village is erratic and seldom available in evenings. when the family needs electricity for cooking etc. kerosene lantern or a lamp which burns edible oil remains only option in such circumstances. kerosene too is not easily available. It becomes even more dificult for the students. Balajee supplied a solar lamp to the family, which carries on for 5-6 hours on one charge. BSS team teaches the beneficiaries how to use this solar lamp and what the benefits are. How It has helps the children to study when electricity is not available and how the kerosene lamp is very dangerous for the eyes, as well as being the cause of fire accidents. Before the solar lamp, the family cooked their food in early evenings and had to retire for bed early too.
Now the situation has changed. The glow on the face of the housewife is evident. Children too are happy as they can study or play in the night or early morning as per their will.